FECYT presents the Guide for the mobility of foreign research personnel in Spain to the Scientific Diplomacy Network in Madrid

In its role as coordinator of the EURAXESS Spain Network to support the mobility of researchers, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology published in 2017 the third edition of the Guide for the management of mobility of foreign researchers in Spain .

The “Universidad de Castilla La Mancha” organizes the first “ERA Career day” within the EUESCADA project

With the title “The researcher career path in Europe: is it (im)possible in Spain?”, the Universidad de Castilla La Mancha (UCLM) organized the first informative session for students and researchers in which funding opportunities, and professional alternatives were discussed. Also and where a number of workshops about transferrable skills and other research related topics were discussed organized. 

Euraxind calls for the participation of researchers and employers

EURAXIND is Horizon 2020 project aiming to strengthen relationships between industry and higher education. FECYT is a partner in this project coordinated by CRAC-Vitae, the global leader in supporting the professional development of researchers, experienced in working with institutions as they strive for research excellence, innovation and impact.