FECYT coordinates the european project “EURAXESS Spain Career Day-EUESCADA”
During the next twelve months, FECYT will coordinate the European project “EUESCADA” in which 6 more partners participate: the Universidad de Cantabria, the Universidad de Zaragoza, the Universidad de Granada, the Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, the Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento, and Bizkaia:Talent.
The project aims at offering as much information as possible to last-year university students and researchers in Spain currently facing career decisions. Information about European and national funding opportunities, professional alternatives to academia, geographical mobility options, skills and competencies of researchers and how to improve them will be offered. In a word: the objective is that researchers are better prepared when making their career choices.
EUESCADA will organize five different career days in five different cities (Santander, Zaragoza, Granada, Toledo and Bilbao) and each host institution will work in a programme that will acknowledge the region´s needs and will also coordinate the participation of different agents. Also, FECYT will invite participants to fill a career tracking survey that aims at having an analysis of the professional situation and expectations of young researchers in Spain.
Along the year, FECYT and partners will publish the ERA career days programmes and the opening of the registries. Some of the sessions will be streamed online.
More information about EUESCADA can be found at: http://euraxess.es/eng/european-projects
EUESCADA has received funding from the EUropean Union´s Horizon 2020 Reserach and innovation programme, under gran agreemnt No. 741373
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