FECYT launches the 3rd edition of the researcher career path in Spain

FECYT publica la 3ª edición del mapa de la carrera investigadora en España

If I wanted to carry out any stage of my research career in Spain, what funding sources could I apply for? What are the calls at the European, national or regional level to carry out my research in a public centre? And what if I wanted to do research in Industry? 
For the third year in a row, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) attempts to reply to these questions in a graphic and simple way. It does so by publishing a map showing all funding opportunities to work in research in Spain. Thus, in May 2018, FECYT has launched the 3rd edition of the “Researcher career path in Spain at a glance!”. It provides information about each research career stage in both public and private sectors showing all public calls (at all European-, State- and Regional-levels) and private opportunities that have been available for the 2016-2018 periods. 
The map shows a total of 82 calls for the public sector scattered in: 28 calls for the PhD stage, 23 for the postdoctoral stage, 19 for the tenure-track stage, and 12 for the consolidation stage. It is worth mentioning some new additions such as the Beatriz Galindo call (in both the junior and senior modality), the “Atracción de Talento Salamanca” programme, all the different calls from the GenT programme from the Comunidad Valenciana, as well as the predoctoral grants from Fundacion Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno and the Junior Leader Fellowships from the Obra Social  laCaixa. 
This third edition also comprises a total of 22 calls for the private sector: 10 for industrial PhDs, 10 for postdocs, and 2 for fixed contracts in industry. 
It is worth reminding that this map does not include all funding calls specific of each university and research centre. These are included within the bar “Different contract opportunities specific of University and Research Performing Organisation leading to consolidation”. It is therefore recommended to visit the websites of those research institutions one is interested in, in case there are some specific calls available. 
If you miss any call in this map or have any suggestion to improve it, please do not hesitate to contact us via euraxess-spain@fecyt.es.