FECYT publishes the second edition of the “Researcher Career Path” in Spain
What public and private calls are in Spain to carry out your PhD or your postdoctoral stage? How anyone can become a young leader in research? What funding opportunities are to do research in industry?
The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) aimed to answer these questions in September 2016, in a graphic and simple manner, with the publication of a map of funding opportunities to carry out research in Spain: the “Researcher Career Path in Spain at a glance!”.
In April 2017, FECYT publishes the 2nd edition of the “Researcher Career Path in Spain at a glance!” providing information about the different stages and funding calls between 2015-2017 of the researcher career in both the public and private sectors.
The map shows a total of 69 calls for the public sector scattered in: 27 predoctoral, 23 postdoctoral, 12 tenure-track, and 7 consolidation calls. As a novelty, calls for health-research resident staff Rio Hortega and Juan Rodés from the Health Institute Carlos III have been added, as well as new tenure-track and consolidation calls such as Vieira y Clavijo from Canarias or Nicolás Monardés from the Junta de Andalucía. Also, Castilla La Mancha joins the map with its recent PhD and postdoctoral calls.
This second edition also contains a total of 17 calls to carry out research in the private sector: 6 predoctoral, 8 postdoctoral, and 3 industry-staff calls.
The map does not include fellowship calls from universities or research centres (represented under the line “Higher Education and Research Performing Organisation Opportunities”). It is recommended to visit the webs of those institutions of interest to look for further information.
The third edition will be published throughout autumn 2017, updating and including new calls.
If you miss any call in this map, have any suggestion for improvement, or would like to use it, do not hesitate to contact us at Euraxess-spain@fecyt.es.
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