FECYT presents the Guide for the mobility of foreign research personnel in Spain to the Scientific Diplomacy Network in Madrid

In its role as coordinator of the EURAXESS Spain Network to support the mobility of researchers, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology published in 2017 the third edition of the Guide for the management of mobility of foreign researchers in Spain .

The University of Cantabria organizes a conference for the reflection on the research career in the European Research Area

On February 8 and 9, the University of Cantabria celebrated its European Research Area Career Day. Under the slogan "Design your future", the Santander International Entrepreneurship Center (CISE), organizer of the event, invited students and researchers to learn about opportunities and alternatives in researchers career.

Recommendations to promote Science Diplomacy in the Latin American and Caribbean region

Se publican las primeras recomendaciones para fomentar la Diplomacia Científica en América Latina y el Caribe, que han sido elaboradas por los participantes de 10 países que asistieron al primer Curso de Diplomacia Científica para gestores públicos de América Latina entre el 11 y el 14 de diciembre de 2017.

FECYT participates in the european project S4D4C 'Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges'

The kick off meeting of the European project “S4D4C: Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges” took place in Viena on the 1st and 2nd of February of 2018. The project, funded by Horizon2020, aims at supporting current and future EU science diplomacy.

FECYT celebrated a Science Diplomacy course for management officers for public policy in Latin-America

FECYT, the Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation (SEIDI) and the Spanish Agency for Cooperation and Development (AECID) organized the course “Science diplomacy for management officers for public policy in Latin-America” from the 11th to the 14th December, which was held in the AECID training centre in Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia). 

FECYT organised a debate about Science, Communication, and Society in London

Last 22nd November, the debate “Science, Communication, and Society: colloquium with Goyo Jimenez and Luis Quevedo” was held in the Spanish embassy in London. The event was inaugurated by the Counsellor for Cultural and Scientific Affairs Miguel Oliveros, and was then chaired by the FECYT Science Coordinator Lorenzo Melchor.