FECYT participates in the conference "ERA Career Day"

On the 23rd and 24th of November, the University of Zaragoza organized the conference “Opportunities for the researchers of the XXI century”. The main goal of the conference was to offer information to students and young researchers about the professional options they have in and outside academia so that they can better plan their careers. Also, the conference aimed at raising awareness among researchers of the need to develop competences and skills that help them better perform in academia and to increase their options in industry and in non-academic jobs. The conference had a devoted area for companies and research centres that had their stands so that researchers could easily interact with them.
The conference had around 120 participants and over 50 students and researchers got in touch with the companies and research centres with a stand.
On November 23rd, after the official opening, the conference was devoted to mobility opportunities for researchers (with special sessions for Marie Slodowska Curie Actions , European Research Council and EURAXESS). Also, there was a panel in which the current situation of women in science was discussed. The afternoon was devoted to practical workshops on how to write a scientific CV for industry, how to write a successful MSCA proposal, how to efficiently manage time or how to better communicate science to the public.
On November 24th, a panel about International scientific mobility in which current trends and options for researchers in other countries were discussed, was offered. Later, there was a round table with industry representatives that discussed about the opportunities and challenges for intersectoral mobility of researchers.
The conference came to an end with around table in which spin-off and star-up representatives also discussed about how their transitions from academia to these companies happened.
This conference is part of the EUESCADA project (GA 741373), funded by Horizon 2020 and coordinated by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) under the auspices of Framework of the EURAXESS network.
The objectives of this project are to offer as much information as possible to university students and researchers in Spain who are evaluating their professional options in Europe and to present the skills and the most valued capabilities of researchers in the labor market to increase their employability and improve their planning in the development of their professional career.
For more information about the EUSCADA project, visit the EURAXESS Spain website: https://www.euraxess.es/spain-network/euescada-euraxess-espa%C3%B1a-career-day. You can also contact us at Euraxess-spain@fecyt.es
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