FECYT supports researchers at the international final of Falling Walls Lab

Last November 8th the international final of the Falling Walls Lab, a contest of young scientific talents, was held in Berlin. FECYT was there to support the candidates coming from Spain. Emre Ozan Polat, researcher at the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) and winner of Falling Walls Barcelona, ​​presented his project based on nanotechnology to monitor vital parameters with flexible and transparent devices that adhere to the skin.

FECYT organizes Science Diplomacy course in Latin America

Within the framework of the INTERCOONECTA Plan of Spanish Cooperation, the Secretary of State for R + D + i, through the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), will organize the course SCIENCE DIPLOMACY FOR PUBLIC MANAGERS OF LATIN AMERICA for managers of public organizations of Latin American countries.