Informe SISE 2006

SISE Report 2006

Tipo de publicación
Tendencias e indicadores de I+D+I
Año de edición

The main objective of this exercise of monitoring and evaluating R&D+I activities promoted by the Public Administration in 2005 is to respond to the description and analysis of the current National Plan (PN) situation, bringing the necessary recommendations to the policy decision-making bodies, such as the Interministerial Science and Technology Commission (CICYT), to assist, in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, in the management of public resources and their transfer to society in the form of social welfare. As such, the report includes the analysis carried out on achieving strategic objectives considered in the National R&D+I Plan 2004-2007, as well as reviewing the results of the calls of 2005 of the main R&D aid tools, the modes of participation used and the levels of coordination achieved.