Unidad Didáctica Nanociencia y Nanotecnología. Entre la ciencia ficción del presente y la tecnología del futuro

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Teaching Unit. Between the science fiction of the present and the technology of the future

Tipo de publicación
Comunicación científica
Año de edición

As the subject for a new teaching unit, FECYT has chosen nanoscience and nanotechnology, two emerging disciplines that are highly multidisciplinary and have particular scientific and social relevance. It is no coincidence that FECYT has chosen these disciplines for a teaching unit published in 2009, the European Year of Creativity and Innovation. To talk about nanoscience and nanotechnology is to talk about innovation. The industrial applications and developments carried out by nanotechnology from the basic research performed by nanoscience are completely innovative, from new materials with applications in medicine (manufacturing of ligaments or artificial tendons) or in construction (buildings that are energetically self-sufficient), to electronic devices that are increasingly diminutive and powerful.