FECYT publishes the “Science in Spain 2018-2019” collection

For the third year in a row, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) publishes the “Science in Spain” collection that compiles several booklets and publications with job opportunities for researchers at Spanish institutions in 2018 and 2019.
The objective of this collection is to provide researchers with information on the different opportunities available in Spain and thus contribute to an open and transparent research area.
As a novelty in this edition 2018-2019, the new section "Science in Spain" has been launched on the EURAXESS Spain website (www.euraxess.es).
This collection includes:
1. Researcher career path at a glance! 3rd editionThis is a complete scheme of the different researcher career stages with public and private grants that can be requested in each period to work in the public sector or in industry. The document includes links to the programme calls where wider information can be found.
2. MSCA-Cofund Programme. Opening up new horizons for researchers. Ongoing COFUND programmes in Spain 2018-2019The Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions-COFUND (MSCA-COFUND) programmes are European Commission initiatives that offer additional funding for new or existing regional, national and international programmes to provide an international and intersectoral dimension to research training and career development. This document summerizes information about the 11 ongoing programmes in Spain that will launch recruitment processes for researchers in 2018 y 2019.
3. Public research organizations in Spain. Recruitment opportunities for researchers. 2018-2019This document compiles information relative to Public Research Organisations with their recruitment opportunities for researchers during the last quarter of 2018 and 2019.
FECYT acknowledges the collaboration of all the institutions contributing to this collection.
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