FECYT takes part in the 3rd Annual Meeting of European Scientific Diasporas in North America

FECYT participa en la tercera reunión anual de la Diáspora Científica Europea en Norteamérica

On December 11th 2017 EURAXESS Worldwide North America organized the 3rd Annual Meeting of European Scientific Diasporas in North America hosted by the Embassy of France in Washington DC. 
The aim of this years event was focused on international networking and science communication and included several novelties in regards to the previous meetings: on one hand, the meeting included in parallel an exhibition area open to all participants interested on the topics of the event, and on the other, the meeting served as the launching events of two initiatives: the Joint European Mentoring Initiative (JEMI) and the North American Chapter of the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA). 
FECYT was invited to participate in the meeting as part of its H2020 EURAXESS TOP III activities, but also as past coordinator of the FP7 TOP II project  (2012-2014). Together with Bay Zoltan Ltd (current coordinator of TOP III) and CERTH (future coordinator TOP IV), the panel shared with the audience how these EC funded projects are contributing to enhance the support of EURAXESS to both global networking and science communication. 
Furthermore, FECYT shared a stand with the organization ECUSA (Españoles Científicos en USA) during the exhibition. ECUSA informed participants about their activities, including their innovative Fostering Docs mentoring programme, while FECYT promoted its documents supporting professional development of researcher in Spain, including the researcher career path at glance and expected recruitment opportunities for 2017 and 2018 (all available in PDF in the EURAXESS Spain portal
Detailed information on the programme and speakers can be found at the EURAXESS Worldwide North America section of the EURAXESS European Portal: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/worldwide/north-america/3rd-annual-meeting-european-scientific-diasporas-north-america-11 
Find more pictures of the event at EURAXESS North America Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/euraxesslinksnorthamerica/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2089239371304662

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