FECYT presents in Düsseldorf the new offers for researchers in Spain

On November 17th, FECYT traveled to Düsseldorf (Germany) to present at the Nature Career Expo, the new professional opportunities for researchers in Spain. During this day, many reserachers attend to the FECYT stand to learn about the centers of excellence in Spain, the job offers, the research career models and the requirements to work in this country.The representatives of FECYT in Germany distributed and informed about the materials recently published by this foundation, which are included in the series of downloadable documents "Science in Spain 2017-2018":
- Researcher career path at a glance! 2nd edition
- Towards research excellence in Spain: Severo Ochoa and Maria de Maeztu centres and units of excellence. Recruitment opportunities 2017-2018
- MSCA-Cofund Programme. Opening up new horizons for researchers. Ongoing COFUND programmes in Spain 2017-2018
- Public research organizations in Spain. Recruitment opportunities for researchers. 2017- 2018
The presence of FECYT in Germany to promote the internationalization of science in Spain, adds to the events held in London and Washington in 2016.
Over 2000 people attended this year Nature Career Expo, most of them being undergraduates, postgraduates, Master students, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. The exhibition offered the attendees many debates about science careers, workshops for CV writing, job interviews simulations and a large number of stands from institutions, foundations, research centres and universities from across the globe.
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