Science Jobs Opportunities in Spain

This 16th September, the NatureJobs Career Expo London 2016 celebrates its tenth edition, and FECYT participates with the exhibition stand “Science in Spain”. The day before, the Embassy of Spain in London hosts the event “Science in Spain 2016 – Science Jobs Opportunities”, an informative session where different funding opportunities will be presented to scientists interested in doing research in Spain. The event has been sold out with 60 attendees, covering the maximum expected capacity. 
For this conference, we have collected in several booklets and publications more than 65 calls offering around 425 science jobs in over 30 Spanish institutions. These are job offers across the whole scientific career, and are available to scientists or technicians fulfilling the provided job requirements.

The publications are:
1. ”Researcher career path in Spain at a glance!”
This is a complete scheme of the different researcher career stages with the public grants that can be requested in each period. The document includes links to wider information on each of the programmes mentioned. 
2. “Severo Ochoa and María de Maeztu Centres and Units of excellence in Spain. Recruitment Opportunities”
At present, the Secretary of State of Research, Development and Innovation (SEIDI) has granted the Severo Ochoa or María de Maeztu Centre or Units of Excellence Award to 33 Spanish institutions, acknowledging their excellent research. In this brochure you can find those which will open researcher recruitment processes along the last trimester of 2016 and the year 2017, with specific details of some of these calls.
3. Recruitment opportunities from the EURAXESS networkd and the MSCA Cofund Programme in Spain. 2016-2017”
This document gathers job opportunities from institutions belonging to the EURAXESS Spain network and from institutions with programmes  cofunded with European budget (Marie Slodowska- Cofund) that will open during the last trimester of 2016 and the year 2017.
4“Recruitment Opportunities for Researchers in Spain”
This document includes relevant information about Spain and its Research and Development system. It also lists the different state, regional and European calls for researchers that exist for the different career stages.

Oportunidades para desarrollar una carrera científica en España