FOTCIENCIA13 arrives to Berlin
The exhibition FOTCIENCIA13 opened Last July 12th in the Spanish Embassy in Berlin with the presence of more than one hundred guests. This exhibition shows for the first time outside of Spain the 49 finalists of the contest of scientific photography organized by FECYT and CSIC.
After the welcome words by the Cultural Counselor of the Embassy, Rosa Velázquez, the CEO of FECYT, José Ignacio Fernández Vera, presented FOTCIENCIA and he explained to the audience some of the activities that FECYT is carrying up in order to bring science closer to society. Fernández Vera also spoke about the importance of society participation in science and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).
Subsequently, the FECYT Science Coordinator at the Embassy, Dr. Guillermo Orts, introduced the two expert speakers in science and art, respectively: ICREA Prof. Victor PUNTES, from the Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology in Barcelona (ICN2), and Karin Ohlenschläger, from the Laboral Center for Arts and Industrial Creation in Gijón. After the talks on their respective disciplines, Dr. Orts moderated a dialogue between Puntés and Ohlenschläger with the aim of exploring some of the intersections between the worlds of experimental sciences and the arts.
In the days after the opening day more than a hundred visitors have already had the opportunity to visit FOTCIENCIA13 at the Embassy of Spain in Berlin, which will exhibit these pieces until September 9. You can find more information about the exhibition here.
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