FECYT supports “Women in Science”
The chapter in North Rhine-Westphalia of the Society of Spanish Scientists in Germany (CERFA-NRW) celebrated last June 20th its third annual symposium “Women in Science”. The event organized by the young scientists Dr. Tania Romacho, Dr. Raquel Fiz, and M. Sc. Cristina Murcia, had the support of the General Consulate of Spain in Düsseldorf, the Equality Office de HHU, Ramón Areces Foundation and FECYT, among others. The organizers invited a panel of speakers composed of successful women from various countries such as Denmark, Israel, Germany and Spain as well as the Consul of Spain in Germany Don Francisco Aguilera and the Scientific International Coordinator of FECYT in Germany, Dr. Guillermo Orts.
Principal speakers were the Professor Daniela Goldfarb, from the Weizmann Institute, and Professor Evamarie Hey-Hawkins from the Leipzig University, who presented their personal experiences as women in science. The symposium also offered the opportunity to learn from the experiences of successful women in the private sector. Dr. Agnes Benardeau, manager at Bayer AG and Sarah Theisen, product specialist Global HSE. Dr. Benardeu and Dr. Theisen exposed to attendees how they developed their careers and gave advice to younger generations of women. After the main presentations, the attendees could also enjoy a discussion panel carried out by three specialists of MINTalente, ferNET and Selma Meyer Mentoring Programs. As well as an individualized session of coaching for career development.
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