FECYT opens the call to participate in the second edition of the “REBECA” mentoring programme

The Spanish Foundation of Science and Technology (FECYT) launches today – in collaboration with RAICEX (Network of Spanish Researchers Abroad) – the public call to participate in the second edition of REBECA (REsearchers BEyond ACAdemic), a mentoring programme aimed at young researchers wanting to explore professional options beyond academia.
REBECA aims at putting in touch 50 early career researchers (from PhD candidates to early postdoctoral researchers) with mentors from a non-academic sector – highly skilled professionals in the life sciences, engineering, mathematics, social sciences or humanities area working in the private sector, the public administration or the third sector. This mentor-mentee relationship wishes to support young researchers in their reflection about career goals, competencies and professional options while also improving the connections between academia and other sectors.
This second edition will have a more international scope as up to 20% of the mentees will have to be living abroad at the time of the application.
Applications for participating as mentor or mentee must be submitted via the online system available in the web www.euraxess.es/spain/rebeca-2020 from today Monday the 16th of November until the 30th of November at 23:59 CET. Mentors and mentees are expected to meet at least 6 times over the first semester of 2021.
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