FECYT publishes a toolkit for designing mentoring programmes for researchers

The Spanish Foundation of Science and Technology (FECYT) has published a mentoring toolkit, with all the related material, stemming from the experience of designing, implementing and evaluating the first edition of “REBECA-Researchers Beyond Academia Mentoring Programme”, which was organized within the framework of the European Project EURAXESS TOP IV in which FECYT participates due to its role of EURAXESS Spain coordinator.
REBECA is a programme aimed at early career researchers (from PhD candidates to early postdoctoral researchers) wishing to explore professional options beyond academia with the support of mentors with professional profiles linked to science, engineering, math, social sciences or humanities working in private companies, public administration or the third sector. In Spain, the first edition of the programme had 46 pairs and produced very positive results.
The toolkit published now is intended to be a guide for any institution interested in developing a mentoring similar to REBECA as part of their capacity building portfolio for researchers. It covers all the key issues in each of the programme stages (from the design, to the recruitment of participants, and daily management of the pairs) providing recommendations to ensure success. About EURAXESSEURAXESS is an initiative launched by the European Commission that is present in 42 countries and aims at supporting researchers in issues related to mobility and professional development.