FECYT launches the mentoring programme FEminist Leadership In SciencE (FELISE)

FECYT pone en marcha el programa de mentozargo FEminist Leadership In SciencE (FELISE)

The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) has launched the mentoring programme FEminist Leadership In SciencE - FELISE.
The programme is part of the European project Gearing Roles and it puts young women researchers in touch with more senior women researchers in order to support their career development and to jointly reflect about the necessary institutional changes to foster gender equality y research and teaching.
The programme has formed 35 pairs of researchers that, during the next seven months, will virtually meet to reflect and debate about different issues related to gender equality in research and teaching such as policies and institutional norms, narratives about excellence in research, integration of the gender perspective in research and teaching and the impact of confinements due to COVID 19 in the career development of women researchers, among others. Also, the programme will include training sessions about career development and leadership
The main objective of the programme is to achieve that FELISE young researchers are readier to face their professional challenge and increase their commitments towards gender equality policies.
At the end of the programme, participants will be able to present their findings to gender equality units at their institutions. Also, results of the impact of the programme will be published and a toolkit about how to design and implement mentoring programmes to achieve gender equality in research will be issued.
About Gearing Roles
The Gearing Roles project aims at implementing gender equality plans in six European institutions.
The project has received funding from the research and innovation programme of the European Union, horizon 2020, under the grant agreement number 824536. It started in January 2019 and will last 4 years.

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