FECYT organizes a closing event for the first edition of the REBECA mentoring programme

On December 18th, FECYT organized in Zona From Facebook (Madrid) an event to close the first edition of the REBECA (Researcher Beyond Academia), an intersectorial mentoring programme aimed at early stage researchers wishing to explore professional alternatives beyond academia with the support of highly skilled professionals linked to science, engineering, math, social sciences and humanities working in the private sector, public administration and third sector.
The event brought together more than 60 participants who exchange information about their experience in the programme and discussed the benefits of such resources for the professional development of research staff.
After closing the call for participants in May, the 46 pairs established have had several mostly virtual meetings to reflect on the competencies, skills and professional opportunities of researchers with the support of the programme’s documentation and a number of on-line meetings and training webinars.
FECYT is planning to implement along 2020 a second edition of this programme that has been designed and implemented under the umbrella of the European Initiative EURAXESS Researchers in Motion, and within the framework of the Horizon 2020 project EURAXESS TOP IV – Open EURAXESS in which FECYT participates in its role of national coordinator in Spain.
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