The application phase for the mentoring programme "Researchers beyond academia-REBECA" ends up

The programme REBECA is aimed at young researchers wanting to explore professional options beyond academia. REBECA will put them in contact with highly skilled professionals that will help them reflect about their competences, skills and career options.
On the one hand, REBECA was calling for professionals in the science, engineering, mathematics, social sciences or humanities area working in the private sector, the public administration or the third sector with an interest to participate as mentors in the programme. 115 expressions of interest were received.
The call was also searching for pre-doctoral researchers or young PhDs looking for support in the identification of their career options beyond academia. 255 applications were received. In the coming weeks, the REBECA selection committee will evaluate the applications, will choose 40 mentors and mentees and will pair them according to their interests. The applicants will be contacted with the results in early June.
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