FECYT presents job opportunities for foreign researchers in Spain

FECYT participated last Monday, April 29, in the conference "Opportunities for researchers in Spain" organized in collaboration by the London delegations of the Association of Spanish Reserachers in the United Kingdom and ACCIÓ, the Agency for Competitiveness of the Company of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
The meeting was held at the Institute of Education of the UCL (University College London). After some welcoming words from the organizers calls for the recruitment of researchers from regional funding agencies Acciò, IkerBasque and Bizkaia talent were presented.
Further opportunities in Spain were afterwards presented by FECYT following the map of the career path for researchers in Spain they annually publish through EURAXESS initiative.
In addition, representatives of the Italian Embassy in London presented the opportunities available for researchers in Italy.
To close the session there was a debate about the consequences of BREXIT for the scientific community in which representatives from the associations of Spanish, Portuguese and Italian researchers in UK participated.