Spanish scientists in Denmark meet in Aalborg bring together the Science organizations in the Parliament of Spain, Denmark and the United Kingdom

On March the 2nd, the association of Spanish Scientists in Denmark (CED / SFD), which brings together almost 200 Spanish scientists in Denmark, a leading country in technology and innovation, organized the third edition of the "Breaking Down Borders in Research".
Representantes de Ciencia en el Parlamento de España, Dinamarca y Reino Unido, se reúnen en Aalborg

On March the 2nd, the association of Spanish Scientists in Denmark (CED / SFD), which brings together almost 200 Spanish scientists in Denmark, a leading country in technology and innovation, organized the third edition of the "Breaking Down Borders in Research" day in collaboration with the University of Aalborg, the Spanish Embassy in Denmark, FECYT and the Ramón Areces Foundation, having as its central theme "Science in Parliament: from Scientific Research to Legislation and the Regulations".
The meeting included the presentations of the science and technology advisory offices in the parliament of Spain (Eduardo Oliver, of #CienciaenelParlamento), Denmark (Lise Bitsch of the Danish Commission of Technological Foundation) and the United Kingdom (Sarah Foxen of the Science and Technology Office of the Parliament of the United Kingdom).
Scientific Research focused on the benefit of society was the main theme of the second session, where prestigious scientists from different fields explained the challenges they faced in their research in terms of legislation and regulations.
Several speakers participated, among them the professor of microgrids at the University of Aalborg, Josep M. Guerrero, one of the most cited scientists in his field, Diego F. Aranha (University of Aarhus), who focused on explaining the complementary - and non-exclusive as it is commonly believed - relationship between security and privacy in communications, Dr. Luis Uzeda Garcia, Research Engineer at Nokia Bell Labs, among others, and Professor Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen, from the Tecno-Anthropological Research group of the University of Aalborg.
This third edition of the event was a great success, in addition to the previous editions in Aarhus in 2016 and Copenhagen in 2018.

Representantes de Ciencia en el Parlamento de España, Dinamarca y Reino Unido, se reúnen en Aalborg

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