Indicadores Bibliométricos de la Actividad Científica española 1990-2004

Bibliometric Indicators of Spanish Scientific Activity 1990-2004

Tipo de publicación
Tendencias e indicadores de I+D+I
Año de edición

This report includes and combines both bibliometric (production and impact) and socioeconomic indicators with the aim of providing a sufficiently complete and schematic description of the state and evolution of the science system for the period from 1990 to 2004. The indicators presented in this study were prepared from recognised sources (as benchmarks) internationally, including the “Web of Science”, developed by Thomson Scientific. The aim is, therefore, to provide an analysis of the situation of the volume of scientific production on a national and regional level and within the international comparative framework, as well as distribution and thematic visibility of production in territorial, institutional and research potential terms. As a new feature in this edition we have included an analysis of indicators on the trends and patterns existing in relation to gender and scientific communication.