FECYT Launches REBECA Practice, a Tool for Researchers to Explore Career Paths beyond Academic research

FECYT lanza REBECA Practice, una herramienta para que el personal investigador pueda explorar salidas profesionales

The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) has launched a new digital career exploration tool: REBECA Practice. This tool is designed to help early-career researchers learn about various roles related to research and innovation in both the private and public sectors.
This tool allows users to explore seven different professional profiles in a practical manner, performing tasks typically carried out by professionals in these roles. Additionally, the practical cases simulate scenarios, making the practice more realistic.
The tasks correspond to the following professional profiles: data scientist, innovation manager, science journalist, science evidence officer/science policy advisor, medical scientific liaison, clinical trial monitor, and field application specialist. Researchers not only get information about these roles but also experience them in a simulated environment. This innovative approach allows users to better judge the suitability of these professional profiles to their individual preferences and identify future training needs, as reported by the 12 researchers who tested the tool during its development.
REBECA Practice is a tool for career exploration and reflection and is not intended to train researchers for these roles. Users will not receive evaluations or feedback on their practice results. The learning experience depends on the self-managed dedication to the tasks set by the user.
This tool was developed with the collaboration of more than 20 professionals working in the seven simulated roles. These professionals voluntarily agreed to be interviewed by the FECYT team to determine the tasks they perform and simulate the details of their working environments.
Collaboration with companies like Bayer Hispania, i2e3, IQVIA, MSD, ZENPULSAR, Carelon Global Solutions Ireland, Izasa, and with public organizations and initiatives like SINC News Agency, Oficina C, Office of Technology Assessment at the German Bundestag, Euro-CASE, Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd, and Hub Innovazione Trentino, was essential for the development of REBECA Practice. The practical case for the data scientist was created with the help of Dr. Alexander Britz and Dr. Daniel Mertens.
The practical cases are freely available in the REBECA (Researchers BEyond Academia) section dedicated to researchers on the Spanish national EURAXESS portal. This platform provides tools for researchers and institutions to diversify research careers. Other tools designed in collaboration with European partners in the EURAXESS network, forming the Hub for Researchers Careers Beyond Academia, coordinated by FECYT, are also available on the platform.