FECYT starts REBECA by Euraxess mentoring programme

FECYT arranca el programa de mentorazgo REBECA by Euraxess

The Spanish Foundation of Science and Technology (FECYT) starts the third edition of REBECA by EURAXESS (Researchers Beyond aCAdemia) mentoring programme. In this edition, 100 mentors will share altruistically their experience with early-stage career researchers, facilitating to these researchers the exploration of different careers beyond the academia. After the evaluation of 203 and 136 applications for mentees and mentors, respectively, 100 pairs were matched. The interest of the mentee and the experience of the mentor were the criteria followed to match these 100 pairs.
This year REBECA has been implemented in the framework of EURAXESS, making possible that 42% and 35% of participants are from outside Spain. The mentees and mentors reside in 18 and 16 different countries respectively.
65% and 35% of mentees are women and men, and 55% come from Life Science, 26% from Natural Science and Engineering, and 16% from Social Science and Humanities disciplines. In case of the mentors, 42%, 40% and 18% represent such disciplines, respectively. Out of the mentor pool, 52% are women, 47% are men, and 1% are non-defined.
Mentors and mentees met at the kick-off meetings, celebrated on 10th and 11th of February. In these kick-off meetings, they received recommendations to facilitate the mentoring relationship and align expectations. From now and during the next 6 months, each pair will virtually meet 6 times. During the programme, mentees will become more aware of their competences and transferable skills and will increase their knowledge about the professional options beyond academia.
REBECA by EURAXESS mentoring programme also offers training to mentees in career management skills, and brings mentors and mentees the opportunity to participate in matchmaking events and career seminars. The organization expects that training and planned events enrich the REBECA experience for both, mentors and mentees.